In recent months, Vladivostok has been in the news for different headlines. In 2008, German Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported that people complain about corruption. They said that corruption amongst government officials has grown immensely. Along these lines, a brave Russian journalist described how 'apparatchiks' had luxury mansions erected and schools demolished for that. In another small city near Vladivostok called "New Moscow", locals demonstrated against massive deforestation. The timber is sent directly to furniture factories or to China. Workers at sites always have an official document at hand, confirming approval.
In October 2009, Yezhednevnye Novosti Vladivostoka reported that a bilaterial agreement between Russia and China has been signed against 'Bioterrorism'. By this, the newspaper was referring to the illegal border crossings and poaching on Fareastern Leopards from the Chinese side. Russia now is also pursuing a special programme to save the Amur Tiger or Siberian Tiger as Frankfurter Allgemeine reports in November 2009. Tigers are continuously killed for their pelts and body parts and the worldwide population is estimated to be only 3,200 Tigers, according to WWF. 450 adult tigers are Amur Tigers in the Far East. The plan seeks to double the Tiger population by 2022 by protecting its habitat and food source (deer & boar).