My Travel Map

    2 Jan 2013

    Nicest way to ask for support.....

    "My amiable neighbour, young man!
    I have lerned your kindness towards me, that you have paid my rent six month ago. I bless you, young man. My eldest daughter will tell you that we have been without a morsel of bread for two days, four pesrons, and my spouse is sick. If I am not desseived by my thoughts, I think I may hope that your generous heart will soften at this exposure and that the desire will subjugate you of being propitious to me by deigning to lavish upon me some light gift.
    I am with the distinguished consideration which is due to the benefactors of humanity, JONDRETTE.
    P.S. My daughter will await your orders, dear Monsieur Marius.
    (spelling mistakes intentionally....from Viktor Hugo's Les Miserables, 1862)

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