My Travel Map

    20 Oct 2012

    Bruce Chatwin: Ueberlegenheit ueber die Tiere?

    Bruce Chatwin sagt in seinem Buch Traumpfade (The Songlines, 1987): "Demokrit hat gesagt, es sei absurd, dass Menschen sich ihrer Ueberlegenheit ueber die Tiere ruehmten, die doch in den wichtigen Dingen unsere Lehrmeister seien: die Spinne im Weben und Ausbessern, die Schwalbe in der Architektur, der Schwan und die Nachtigall im Singen.
    Man koennte diese Reihe endlos fortsetzen: die Fledermaus fuer den radar, der Delphin fuer das Sonar und, wie Ibn Chaldun sagte, die Hoerner fuer die Lanze." (p354, Fischer Taschenbuch, 1992)
    (from Amazon, 2012)

    16 Oct 2012

    Bruce Chatwin about Travelling

    Bruce Chatwin sagt in seinem Buch Traumpfade (The Songlines, 1987): "Die Wuestenvoelker sind dem Gutsein naeher als sesshafte Voelker, weil sie dem Urzustand naeher sind und ferner von den ueblen Gewohnheiten, die die Herzen der Sesshaften verdorben haben."

    9 Oct 2012

    Last Lines of Turgenev's "Father and Sons"

    "Is their love, their hallowed selfless love, not omnipotent? Oh yes! However passionate, sinful and rebellious the heart hidden in the tomb, the flowers growing over it peep at us serenly with their innocent eyes; they speak to us not only of eternal peace, of the vast repose of 'indifferent' nature: they tell us, too, of everlasting reconsiliation and of life which has no end."

    7 Oct 2012

    Mother Russia

    Love from Rybinsk, Russia, upon Volga....

     ....beautifully Russian.....

    5 Oct 2012

    3 Oct 2012

    "Fahrenheit 451"

    Almost at the end of Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury writes:"There was a damn silly bird, called Phoenix back before Christ: every few hundered years he built a pyre and burned himself up. He must have been first cousin to Man. But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again. And it looks like we are doing the same thing, over and over, but we have one damn thing that Phoenix never had. We know the damn silly thing we just did. We know all the damn silly things we've done for a thousand years, and as long as we know that and always have it around where we can see it, some day we'll stop making the goddamn funeral pyres and jumping in the middle of them."

    1 Oct 2012

    Together with a Man

    Together with a man, do we see the world differently? Most of the time I am excited when I see him and when we do things and I am on alert and I don't stop expressing myself or saying what I think about what I see....that is all good.