My Travel Map

    15 Apr 2010

    Eyjafjallajokull? Huh?

    Europe should recognise this name. Eyjafjallajokull is the name of the powerful volcano in Island that catapulted so much volcanic ash into the air after a spectacular eruption on the 14th April 2010, that the airspace above Europe had to be closed for almost a week. The BBC issued an informative series of slides explaining:
    1. Why the volcano has such an explosive power,
    2. How the ash cloud evolved,
    3. How ash particles endanger flying,
    4. How the ash cloud spread over Europe in the course of several days,
    5. How the ash cloud spread in satellite images, and
    6. How the closure of the airspace above Europe affected the air traffic.
    (Source of image: 'Island-large')

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